Am I?

Oil on canvas

And one day I was afraid to eat. Then move. And then breathe. Invisible hands wrapped around me, locking on my neck and not letting go for many months. It was an anxiety disorder.
The “Am I?” series is self-reflection, an attempt to grasp and understand the disease. My hero froze in anticipation of a storm that would never happen. He forgot who he was before. He lost his surroundings, his taste for life. All around is emptiness and panic attacks shaped as coloured pipes. It seems that these pipes are about to suffocate him.
Or maybe there are actually supports? Kind of exoskeletons? Maybe they protect? What if the path to freedom lies through touching them? I don't know yet if my hero will overcome fear. Probably, it is impossible to get rid of anxiety once and for all. The main thing is to continue to act despite it. So I act.

Nata Levitasova. Am I?

Nata Levitasova. Am I?

Nata Levitasova. Am I?